regression testing

regression testing
регрессионное (регрессивное) тестирование
(от лат. regressio - движение назад) собирательное название всех видов тестирования ПО, направленных на обнаружение ошибок в ранее уже протестированных участках кода. Такие ошибки - когда после внесения изменений в программу перестает работать то, что должно было продолжать работать, - называют регрессионными (regression bug). Регрессионное тестирование, проводимое во время модификации программы (системы), выполняется с возвратом от наиболее сложных тестов к простым, причём считается хорошей практикой при исправлении ошибки создать тест на неё и регулярно прогонять его при последующих изменениях программы. При регрессионном тестировании недостаточно проверить только добавленные функции - возможно их влияние на работу, надёжность или производительность ранее написанного кода - и поэтому важную роль играет приоритезация тестов (test prioritization), направленная на как можно более раннее обнаружение ошибок

Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.

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Смотреть что такое "regression testing" в других словарях:

  • Regression testing — is any type of software testing which seeks to uncover software regressions. Such regressions occur whenever software functionality that was previously working correctly stops working as intended. Typically regressions occur as an unintended… …   Wikipedia

  • regression testing —    A methodology that supports the continued testing of a program as features are revised or added and compares the results of those tests against the expected results …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Non-regression testing — (NRT) is an approach of software testing. The purpose of non regression testing is to verify that, after introducing or updating a given software application, previous software functions have not been compromised. This is aimed at preventing… …   Wikipedia

  • Regression — could refer to:* Regression (psychology), a defensive reaction to some unaccepted impulses * Past life regression, (psychology) a process claiming to retrieve memories of previous lives * Software regression, (software engineering) the appearance …   Wikipedia

  • regression test system —    A tool that automates the organization and execution of tests and systematically stores the results. Using the concepts of regression testing, it runs the tests and compares the results against expected results …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Regression analysis — In statistics, regression analysis is a collective name for techniques for the modeling and analysis of numerical data consisting of values of a dependent variable (response variable) and of one or more independent variables (explanatory… …   Wikipedia

  • Regression toward the mean — In statistics, regression toward the mean (also known as regression to the mean) is the phenomenon that if a variable is extreme on its first measurement, it will tend to be closer to the average on a second measurement, and a fact that may… …   Wikipedia

  • Regression discontinuity design — In statistics, econometrics, epidemiology and related disciplines, a regression discontinuity design (RDD) is a design that elicits the causal effects of interventions by exploiting a given exogenous threshold determining assignment to treatment …   Wikipedia

  • Testing hypotheses suggested by the data — In statistics, hypotheses suggested by the data must be tested differently from hypotheses formed independently of the data.How to do it wrongFor example, suppose fifty different researchers, unaware of each other s work, run clinical trials to… …   Wikipedia

  • Software testing — is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test [ [ Exploratory Testing] , Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology,… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit testing — In computer programming, unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming a unit may be an… …   Wikipedia

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